As a second party to this agreement, by agreeing to use the site’s services, you must abide by the following:
Not to advertise or download content or items that are inappropriate to the classifications available on the site and allowed to be sold, and you must review the terms of advertising and prohibited goods by not violating or circumventing the laws, policy and regulations of the site or any rights related to a third party.
Not to copy the advertisement from t
Saleh I Al-Dohan Trading L.L.C.
and republish it on other sites.
Not to use any illegal means to access advertisements or other users’ data, violate the policy and rights of the Saleh Foundation, access the content of the site, or collect and collect information and data related to the Saleh Foundation website or the site’s customers and benefit from it in any way or re-publish it.
Not to use our Services if you are not legally qualified to complete this Agreement. For example, that you are under 18 years of age or that you are temporarily or permanently restricted from using the Site.
Not to manipulate the prices of goods, whether in buying or selling, and to harm other users.
Not to post false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, defamatory, or defamatory advertisements or comments.
Not to be exposed to international policies or sovereignty, or esteemed personalities, or any discussions that are not related to legitimate buying and selling on the Saleh Foundation website.
Not to transfer your account or activity to other sites while carrying the logo or services of the institution.
Not to infringe copyrights, trademarks, patents, publicity databases or other proprietary or intellectual rights belonging to or licensed to the Site.
Not to infringe the property, intellectual or patent rights of others.
Not to advertise tobacco and smoke products (these goods expose you to a violation by the competent authorities)
Not to violate human rights systems and not to trade in people in any way, and you must abide by the controls for advertising the provision of labor services.
Not violating wildlife protection regulations.
Not to collect information about other site users for commercial or other purposes.
Not to do anything that would harm the reputation of the Saleh Foundation website.
Not to impersonate the website of Saleh Foundation, its representative or employee, or any capacity that suggests that you are affiliated with the Foundation unless you have an official permission from the Foundation.
Your non-compliance with these conditions gives the Saleh Foundation website the full right to block your membership and prevent you from accessing the site and adding your phone number to the blacklist without any responsibility and without the need to notify you of that and here you pledge not to return to using the site until after the site agrees to that.
Responsibility of the Saleh Foundation’s website
The Saleh Foundation website provides a service that enables the user to display his goods in accordance with the agreed upon policy of use. We do not provide any guarantees, and we do not bear any responsibility in the event that the user does not comply with the policy of using the site, and we do not bear responsibility for any risk, damage, consequences or losses on the seller, buyer or any Another party and whoever was harmed must inform us of this through a link to contact us and explain the damage caused to him, and the Saleh Foundation website will take action according to the type of incident without any responsibility. Save your data that you entered in the institution’s servers and we have the right to view and review it. You also agree to our right to monitor private messages when needed to ensure that they are free from violations of the usage agreement. We have the right to delete the advertisement and dispose of the attached images when needed. Therefore, circulars, decisions, and directives of the site’s management and supervisors are binding on the second party after Deliver it to him via special messages on the site, mobile, e-mail, or through the notification system, and he must abide by it and work accordingly, and you agree that if Destruction of the systems of the Saleh Foundation platform and causing damage to the platform, the management of the Saleh Foundation has the right to claim compensation from you for all damages caused to it due to your violation of the regulations, including attorney fees in all cases related to your violations.